Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas 2003,

Sometimes, I find Christmas when I least expect it. It was the Saturday before Christmas and I had too much to do. In an attempt to not be stressed, I had my time planned and my day organized. I was determined to be at peace. 

One of the things on my list was a trip to the local pet store to buy gifts for the furry members of our family. When I called my friend Peggy with my itinerary, she agreed but added that she wanted to go to Mass on the way. What? I had too much to do. Did I have the time? Peggy pointed out it would take half an hour at the most. I got off the phone grumpy and conflicted. Soon I realized how silly I was being. I mean one always has time for God, right? Doesn’t He always make time for me?

As we arrived at Holy Innocents church in Neptune, I was surprised to see that the chapel was full; in fact we got the last two seats together. As we sat down, a young man behind me began to sing a hymn; I looked to see what he was singing and joined him. He had a  beautiful voice. It was a pleasure to sing with him. When we finished, I expected the priest to enter; however he didn’t. I began to wonder what was going on, when I heard a whisper “How about 536? How Great Thou Art?”

I nodded and soon my friend Peggy's pretty voice joined us. It was as if we had practiced singing together, it just seemed to float above us. It was an amazing gift to me. I love to sing in praise of God and had been sad the night before because I hadn’t done any singing this year.
As we continued to make our way through a few Christmas hymns, I looked around and smiled as more people in the chapel began singing in worship of our Lord. I felt such awe that God had used the three of us to create a setting of worship. He quietly slipped in a moment of meditation and praise on this busy Saturday before Christmas.

Eventually the priest arrived and we proceeded with Mass. When we got to the kiss of Peace and on the communion line, I noticed that everyone was smiling at us. After Mass, many people came over to us and thanked us for being such a gift to them. They were so glad and grateful.

If they only knew that I was the one who was grateful. I had gotten my best Christmas present a few days before Christmas. It came in the shape of a stopped moment - one that I had almost missed. I was reminded, as I seem to be every year, that you don’t make Christmas, it finds you when you least expect it.  Be at peace, God’s gift is being prepared for you!

May the grace and peace of the Lord find you this Christmas.



Friday, April 2, 2010

Autism Holy Week 2007

It is not what they don’t have
It is what they do.

It is not how they are empty
It is how they are full.

They don’t know it
But they shine by doing…
                        …what they need to do.

Copyright © 2007

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Holy Thursday 1996 - in memoriam

It came today...
the call that I had dreaded
that one of my true loves was dead.

He was gone and no longer with me
He was with You.
 It is only fitting.

He had loved you so and
served you with his life.
A priest in the order of Melchisidek
A man humble and often broken
his life stripped of its pride
and yet his heart bleeding forth with love
in the image of his redeemer
touching and healing the hearts of so many
especially those broken like him.

He loved the world and all its lands
not for the places but for the people
He saw the wonder in Your gifts
especially when man used his ability to be creator too.
He loved the subtle and gregarious alike
and yet suffered fools poorly.
Always wanting people to be their better selves.

(for "Unkie" - Fr. Albert  A. Mark)
Copyright © 1996

Holy Thursday April 13, 1995

The Garden   

As I feel my pain and restlessness,
 questioning if I am doing your will,
I wonder, Lord, Where is the grace?
And then I realize
 that you got off your knees.

I feel betrayed
and the pain makes me want to escape.
So I turn to you,
not to join with you,
 but to have you fix it and take the pain away.

And as I think of the enormity of your pain and suffering,
I wonder how you got off your knees.
Copyright © 1995

Holy week: II Monday 1994

In the Center

I took a bold step tonight.
I entered the throne room unannounced.
I didn’t wait patiently for You to come to me.
I strolled in as casually as my cat would,
to do nothing more than to inspect Your face up close as she does mine,
to stare at You and greet You just because You are You.

You asked if there was anything I wanted
and I said no I just wanted to gaze in your face.
You seemed to enjoy this greatly-looming up gigantically
as if laughing with pleased glee.

Then in all your glory
you gently peeled away my pain, and
reminded me that my fear was only a false shell,
and that,
in the center,
there is only you and I,
honest and one.
Copyright © 1994

Holy week I Monday March, 28, 1994


One day I asked God, “Who am I?”
In time, God responded:

You are a storyteller, reciting a tale of a great love,
a singer, weaving songs of hope and faith,
a redeemer, seeing the good so deeply hidden.

You are a lover, seeking only the best
for your beloved.
a tiger, holding tight to what you believe
and a lion, roaring fiercely on behalf of the beloved.

You are a child, marveling at my wonders,
admiring my finger painted sunsets.
you are an artist, capturing my love in a new form;
a sprite dancing on the lightness of love.
a teacher, guiding others along the way.

When God finished, I asked
“ I am all of these?”
And God answered :
“You were made in my image and likeness”

Copyright © 1994

Holy Thursday 1993

I was weary. I gave up. I decided for you.
And then, I was changed,
enveloped by your presence.

It was as if the world fell away like stage flats
and it was dark and I could not see you.
I could only feel you, as if
I was warmly wrapped in black velvet.

The wall fell down and there is darkness.
I am enfolded. It is warm
and yet there is light in the darkness,
diffused and sparkling, - all around me.
I am within you and you are within me.
I realize that this is the center of my being.
It is where I live,
it is what I am.

Within the darkness
a diamond
burning orange
surrounds the blackness.

There is form where before there was none.
Enclosing but not limiting
There is freedom and boundary.
Together as we are -
the same, yet different.

Copyright © 1993